
Information regarding patient outputs including urine, drainage, and so on.

The outputevents table

Table source: MetaVision ICU database.

Table purpose: Output data for patients.

Number of rows: 4,234,967

Links to:

  • patients on subject_id
  • admissions on hadm_id
  • icustays on stay_id
  • d_items on itemid

Table columns

Name Data type
subject_id INTEGER
hadm_id INTEGER
stay_id INTEGER
caregiver_id INTEGER
charttime TIMESTAMP(3)
storetime TIMESTAMP(3)
itemid INTEGER
valueuom VARCHAR(20)

Detailed Description

subject_id, hadm_id, stay_id

Identifiers which specify the patient: subject_id is unique to a patient, hadm_id is unique to a patient hospital stay and stay_id is unique to a patient ICU stay.


caregiver_id uniquely identifies a single caregiver who documented data in the ICU information system.


charttime is the time of an output event.


storetime records the time at which an observation was manually input or manually validated by a member of the clinical staff.


Identifier for a single measurement type in the database. Each row associated with one itemid (e.g. 212) corresponds to an instantiation of the same measurement (e.g. heart rate).

value, valueuom

value and valueuom list the amount of a substance at the charttime (when the exact start time is unknown, but usually up to an hour before).

Last modified February 3, 2023 : add caregiver table and caregiver_id (90568f8)