Waveform Note Links Table

A table which provides links between waveforms and available cardiologist notes.

Please note that the free-text cardiologist notes for the ECG module will be publicly released in the MIMIC-IV-Note module at a later date.

This table provides links to the cardiologist’s note, when available, for a given diagnostic ECG waveform. Each diagnostic ECG study has a waveform file (in WFDB format) and is assigned a unique study_id. Not all waveforms get read by a cardiologist. This is the primary reason that there are fewer notes than waveforms. This table provides the link between the path to a given waveform (waveform_path) and the note identifer (note_id). The study_id can be used to link to the record list and machine measurement information in the other lookup tables.

Table columns


subject_id is a unique identifier which specifies an individual patient. Any rows associated with a single subject_id pertain to the same individual.


A unique identifier for the diagnostic ECG study.


The path to the diagnostic ECG waveform.


The unique identifier for the note that is associated with a given ECG study. This identifier can be used to link to the free-text cardiologist ECG note in the MIMIC-IV-Note module.


A monotonically increasing integer which chronologically sorts the notes. That is, notes can be ordered sequentially by note_seq.


The time at which the note was charted - this is usually the most relevant time for interpreting the content of the note, but it is not necessarily when the note was fully written.

Last modified December 21, 2023 : ecg module - remove mention of consortium (9f7ae44)