
Ingredients of continuous or intermittent administrations including nutritional and water content.

The inputevents table

Table source: MetaVision ICU database.

Table purpose: Ingredients contained within inputs data for patients.

Number of rows: 12,229,408

Links to:

  • patients on subject_id
  • admissions on hadm_id
  • icustays on stay_id
  • d_items on itemid

Important considerations

  • In the source data, there is no concept of a volume in the database: only a rate. All rows are recorded with a starttime and an endtime. The amount in this table is derived from the rate column, and provided for convenience. An exception is bolus administrations: these are listed as ending one minute after they started, i.e. endtime: starttime + 1 minute, and they do not have a rate.

Table columns

Name Postgres data type
subject_id INTEGER
hadm_id INTEGER
stay_id INTEGER
caregiver_id INTEGER
starttime TIMESTAMP(0)
endtime TIMESTAMP(0)
storetime TIMESTAMP(0)
itemid INTEGER
amountuom VARCHAR(20)
rateuom VARCHAR(20)
orderid INTEGER
linkorderid INTEGER
statusdescription VARCHAR(20)
originalamount DOUBLE PRECISION

Detailed Description

subject_id, hadm_id, stay_id

Identifiers which specify the patient: subject_id is unique to a patient, hadm_id is unique to a patient hospital stay and stay_id is unique to a patient ICU stay.


caregiver_id uniquely identifies a single caregiver who documented data in the ICU information system.

starttime, endtime

starttime and endtime record the start and end time of the event.


storetime records the time at which an observation was manually input or manually validated by a member of the clinical staff.


Identifier for a single measurement type in the database. Each row associated with one itemid which corresponds to an instantiation of the same measurement (e.g. norepinephrine).

amount, amountuom

amount and amountuom list the amount of a drug or substance administered to the patient either between the starttime and endtime.

rate, rateuom

rate and rateuom list the rate at which the drug or substance was administered to the patient either between the starttime and endtime.

orderid, linkorderid

orderid links multiple items contained in the same solution together. For example, when a solution of noradrenaline and normal saline is administered both noradrenaline and normal saline occur on distinct rows but will have the same orderid.

linkorderid links the same order across multiple instantiations: for example, if the rate of delivery for the solution with noradrenaline and normal saline is changed, two new rows which share the same new orderid will be generated, but the linkorderid will be the same.


statusdescription states the ultimate status of the item, or more specifically, row. It is used to indicate why the delivery of the compound has ended. There are only six possible statuses:

  • Changed - The current delivery has ended as some aspect of it has changed (most frequently, the rate has been changed)
  • Paused - The current delivery has been paused
  • FinishedRunning - The delivery of the item has finished (most frequently, the bag containing the compound is empty)
  • Stopped - The delivery of the item been terminated by the caregiver
  • Rewritten - Incorrect information was input, and so the information in this row was rewritten (these rows are primarily useful for auditing purposes - the rates/amounts described were not delivered and so should not be used if determining what compounds a patient has received)
  • Flushed - A line was flushed.


Drugs are usually mixed within a solution and delivered continuously from the same bag. This column represents the amount of the compound contained in the bag at starttime.


This is the rate that was input by the care provider. Note that this may differ from rate because of various reasons: originalrate was the original planned rate, while the rate column will be the true rate delivered.

Last modified February 3, 2023 : add caregiver table and caregiver_id (90568f8)