MIMIC Implementation Guide
1.3.0 - Draft
MIMIC Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v1.3.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions
Active as of 2024-02-08 |
Mappings for the mimic-medication-request resource profile.
MimicMedicationRequest | ||
MedicationRequest | Request | |
identifier | Request.identifier | |
identifier (PH_ID) | Request.identifier | |
identifier (POE_ID) | Request.identifier | |
status | Request.status | |
statusReason | Request.statusReason | |
intent | Request.intent | |
priority | Request.priority | |
medication[x] | Request.code | |
subject | Request.subject | |
encounter | Request.context | |
supportingInformation | Request.supportingInfo | |
authoredOn | Request.authoredOn | |
requester | Request.requester | |
performer | Request.performer | |
performerType | Request.performerType | |
reasonCode | Request.reasonCode | |
reasonReference | Request.reasonReference | |
instantiatesCanonical | Request.instantiates | |
basedOn | Request.basedOn | |
groupIdentifier | Request.groupIdentifier | |
insurance | Request.insurance | |
note | Request.note | |
dosageInstruction | Request.occurrence[x] | |
priorPrescription | Request.replaces | |
eventHistory | Request.relevantHistory |
MimicMedicationRequest | ||
MedicationRequest | Message/Body/NewRx | |
identifier | Message/Header/PrescriberOrderNumber | |
identifier (PH_ID) | Message/Header/PrescriberOrderNumber | |
identifier (POE_ID) | Message/Header/PrescriberOrderNumber | |
status | no mapping | |
category | Message/Body/NewRx/MedicationPrescribed/Directions or Message/Body/NewRx/MedicationPrescribed/StructuredSIG | |
medication[x] | Message/Body/NewRx/MedicationPrescribed Medication.code.coding.code = Message/Body/NewRx/MedicationPrescribed/DrugCoded/ProductCode Medication.code.coding.system = Message/Body/NewRx/MedicationPrescribed/DrugCoded/ProductCodeQualifier Medication.code.coding.display = Message/Body/NewRx/MedicationPrescribed/DrugDescription | |
subject | Message/Body/NewRx/Patient (need detail to link to specific patient … Patient.Identification in SCRIPT) | |
encounter | no mapping | |
authoredOn | Message/Body/NewRx/MedicationPrescribed/WrittenDate | |
reasonCode | Message/Body/NewRx/MedicationPrescribed/Diagnosis/Primary/Value | |
reasonReference | no mapping | |
note | Message/Body/NewRx/MedicationPrescribed/Note | |
dispenseRequest | Message/Body/NewRx/MedicationPrescribed/ExpirationDate | |
validityPeriod | Message/Body/NewRx/MedicationPrescribed/Refills | |
numberOfRepeatsAllowed | Message/Body/NewRx/MedicationPrescribed/Quantity | |
quantity | Message/Body/NewRx/MedicationPrescribed/DaysSupply | |
expectedSupplyDuration | Message/Body/NewRx/MedicationPrescribed/Substitutions | |
substitution | specific values within Message/Body/NewRx/MedicationPrescribed/Substitutions | |
allowed[x] | specific values within Message/Body/NewRx/MedicationPrescribed/Substitutions | |
reason | not mapped | |
priorPrescription | not mapped |
MimicMedicationRequest | ||
MedicationRequest | Entity. Role, or Act, CombinedMedicationRequest | |
text | Act.text? | |
contained | N/A | |
extension | N/A | |
modifierExtension | N/A | |
identifier | .id | |
identifier (PH_ID) | .id | |
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a | |
use | Role.code or implied by context | |
type | Role.code or implied by context | |
system | II.root or Role.id.root | |
value | II.extension or II.root if system indicates OID or GUID (Or Role.id.extension or root) | |
period | Role.effectiveTime or implied by context | |
assigner | II.assigningAuthorityName but note that this is an improper use by the definition of the field. Also Role.scoper | |
identifier (POE_ID) | .id | |
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a | |
use | Role.code or implied by context | |
type | Role.code or implied by context | |
system | II.root or Role.id.root | |
value | II.extension or II.root if system indicates OID or GUID (Or Role.id.extension or root) | |
period | Role.effectiveTime or implied by context | |
assigner | II.assigningAuthorityName but note that this is an improper use by the definition of the field. Also Role.scoper | |
status | .statusCode | |
statusReason | .inboundRelationship[typeCode=SUBJ].source[classCode=CACT, moodCode=EVN].reasonCOde | |
intent | .moodCode (nuances beyond PRP/PLAN/RQO would need to be elsewhere) | |
category | .inboundRelationship[typeCode=COMP].source[classCode=OBS, moodCode=EVN, code="type of medication usage"].value | |
priority | .priorityCode | |
doNotPerform | SubstanceAdministration.actionNegationInd | |
reported[x] | .participation[typeCode=INF].role | |
medication[x] | consumable.administrableMedication | |
subject | .participation[typeCode=AUT].role | |
encounter | .inboundRelationship[typeCode=COMP].source[classCode=ENC, moodCode=EVN, code="type of encounter or episode"] | |
supportingInformation | .outboundRelationship[typeCode=PERT].target[A_SupportingClinicalStatement CMET minimal with many different choices of classCodes(ORG, ENC, PROC, SPLY, SBADM, OBS) and each of the act class codes draws from one or more of the following moodCodes (EVN, DEF, INT PRMS, RQO, PRP, APT, ARQ, GOL)] | |
authoredOn | author.time | |
requester | .participation[typeCode=AUT].role | |
performer | .participation[typeCode=PRF].role[scoper.determinerCode=INSTANCE] | |
performerType | .participation[typeCode=PRF].role[scoper.determinerCode=KIND].code | |
recorder | .participation[typeCode=TRANS].role[classCode=ASSIGNED].code (HealthcareProviderType) | |
reasonCode | reason.observation.reasonCode | |
reasonReference | reason.observation[code=ASSERTION].value | |
instantiatesCanonical | .outboundRelationship[typeCode=DEFN].target | |
instantiatesUri | .outboundRelationship[typeCode=DEFN].target | |
basedOn | .outboundRelationship[typeCode=FLFS].target[classCode=SBADM or PROC or PCPR or OBS, moodCode=RQO orPLAN or PRP] | |
groupIdentifier | .outboundRelationship(typeCode=COMP].target[classCode=SBADM, moodCode=INT].id | |
courseOfTherapyType | Act.code where classCode = LIST and moodCode = EVN | |
insurance | .outboundRelationship[typeCode=COVBY].target | |
note | .inboundRelationship[typeCode=SUBJ]/source[classCode=OBS,moodCode=EVN,code="annotation"].value | |
dosageInstruction | see dosageInstruction mapping | |
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a | |
modifierExtension | N/A | |
sequence | .text | |
text | .text | |
additionalInstruction | .text | |
patientInstruction | .text | |
timing | .effectiveTime | |
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a | |
modifierExtension | N/A | |
event | QLIST<TS> | |
repeat | Implies PIVL or EIVL | |
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a | |
bounds[x] | IVL(TS) used in a QSI | |
count | PIVL.count | |
countMax | PIVL.count | |
duration | PIVL.phase | |
durationMax | PIVL.phase | |
durationUnit | PIVL.phase.unit | |
frequency | PIVL.phase | |
frequencyMax | PIVL.phase | |
period | PIVL.phase | |
periodMax | PIVL.phase | |
periodUnit | PIVL.phase.unit | |
dayOfWeek | n/a | |
timeOfDay | n/a | |
when | EIVL.event | |
offset | EIVL.offset | |
code | QSC.code | |
asNeeded[x] | .outboundRelationship[typeCode=PRCN].target[classCode=OBS, moodCode=EVN, code="as needed"].value=boolean or codable concept | |
site | .approachSiteCode | |
route | .routeCode | |
method | .doseQuantity | |
doseAndRate | ||
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a | |
dose[x] | .doseQuantity | |
rate[x] | .rateQuantity | |
maxDosePerPeriod | .maxDoseQuantity | |
maxDosePerAdministration | not supported | |
maxDosePerLifetime | not supported | |
dispenseRequest | component.supplyEvent | |
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a | |
modifierExtension | N/A | |
initialFill | SubstanceAdministration -> ActRelationship[sequenceNumber = '1'] -> Supply | |
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a | |
modifierExtension | N/A | |
quantity | Supply.quantity[moodCode=RQO] | |
duration | Supply.effectivetime[moodCode=RQO] | |
dispenseInterval | Supply.effectivetime[moodCode=RQO] | |
validityPeriod | effectiveTime | |
numberOfRepeatsAllowed | repeatNumber | |
quantity | quantity | |
expectedSupplyDuration | expectedUseTime | |
performer | .outboundRelationship[typeCode=COMP].target[classCode=SPLY, moodCode=RQO] .participation[typeCode=PRF].role[scoper.determinerCode=INSTANCE] | |
substitution | subjectOf.substitutionPersmission | |
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a | |
modifierExtension | N/A | |
allowed[x] | code | |
reason | reasonCode | |
priorPrescription | .outboundRelationship[typeCode=?RPLC or ?SUCC]/target[classCode=SBADM,moodCode=RQO] | |
detectedIssue | .inboundRelationship[typeCode=SUBJ]/source[classCode=ALRT,moodCode=EVN].value | |
eventHistory | .inboundRelationship(typeCode=SUBJ].source[classCode=CACT, moodCode=EVN] |
MimicMedicationRequest | ||
MedicationRequest | ||
identifier | FiveWs.identifier | |
identifier (PH_ID) | FiveWs.identifier | |
identifier (POE_ID) | FiveWs.identifier | |
status | FiveWs.status | |
intent | FiveWs.class | |
category | FiveWs.class | |
priority | FiveWs.grade | |
medication[x] | FiveWs.what[x] | |
subject | FiveWs.subject[x], FiveWs.subject | |
encounter | FiveWs.context | |
supportingInformation | FiveWs.context | |
authoredOn | FiveWs.recorded | |
requester | FiveWs.author | |
performer | FiveWs.actor | |
recorder | FiveWs.who | |
reasonCode | FiveWs.why[x] | |
reasonReference | FiveWs.why[x] | |
dispenseRequest | ||
performer | FiveWs.who |
MimicMedicationRequest | ||
MedicationRequest | ||
identifier | ORC-2-Placer Order Number / ORC-3-Filler Order Number | |
identifier (PH_ID) | ORC-2-Placer Order Number / ORC-3-Filler Order Number | |
use | N/A | |
type | CX.5 | |
system | CX.4 / EI-2-4 | |
value | CX.1 / EI.1 | |
period | CX.7 + CX.8 | |
assigner | CX.4 / (CX.4,CX.9,CX.10) | |
identifier (POE_ID) | ORC-2-Placer Order Number / ORC-3-Filler Order Number | |
use | N/A | |
type | CX.5 | |
system | CX.4 / EI-2-4 | |
value | CX.1 / EI.1 | |
period | CX.7 + CX.8 | |
assigner | CX.4 / (CX.4,CX.9,CX.10) | |
medication[x] | RXE-2-Give Code / RXO-1-Requested Give Code / RXC-2-Component Code | |
subject | PID-3-Patient ID List | |
encounter | PV1-19-Visit Number | |
authoredOn | RXE-32-Original Order Date/Time / ORC-9-Date/Time of Transaction | |
reasonCode | ORC-16-Order Control Code Reason /RXE-27-Give Indication/RXO-20-Indication / RXD-21-Indication / RXG-22-Indication / RXA-19-Indication | |
dosageInstruction | ||
sequence | TQ1-1 | |
text | RXO-6; RXE-21 | |
additionalInstruction | RXO-7 | |
patientInstruction | RXO-7 | |
asNeeded[x] | TQ1-9 | |
site | RXR-2 | |
route | RXR-1 | |
method | RXR-4 | |
doseAndRate | TQ1-2 | |
type | RXO-21; RXE-23 | |
dose[x] | RXO-2, RXE-3 | |
rate[x] | RXE22, RXE23, RXE-24 | |
maxDosePerPeriod | RXO-23, RXE-19 | |
dispenseRequest | ||
numberOfRepeatsAllowed | RXE-12-Number of Refills | |
quantity | RXD-4-Actual Dispense Amount / RXD-5.1-Actual Dispense Units.code / RXD-5.3-Actual Dispense Units.name of coding system | |
substitution | ||
allowed[x] | RXO-9-Allow Substitutions / RXE-9-Substitution Status | |
reason | RXE-9 Substition status |